Holiday Card Contest Winners

January 18th by Blizzard Entertainment

We'd like to thank the artists and designers who made our 2010 holiday season just a little warmer by participating in our second annual Blizzard Holiday Card Contest. We asked you to craft festive cards inspired by Warcraft, StarCraft, or Diablo -- and you delivered more holiday cheer than we could have ever imagined!

We were touched, delighted, and amazed by all the heartwarming, funny, and beautiful holiday cards you sent us, but now the contest has come to a close, and we're ready to announce the winners.

Please join us in congratulating these creative card crafters, and feast your eyes on their awesome entries:

Nemanja Trajkovic – Zagreb, Croatia
“Only the exterior of the card is designed leaving the interior blank for the user to fill out. The card can be viewed folded or spread (the illustration stretches across the whole format) and in both cases it keeps its meaning. The illustration depicts Deathwing sleeping deeply and peacefully in his den in front of a glistening fireplace with his stockings hung on it for Santa to fill and his metallic jaw dipped in a water jar. Santa drops down in the cave on a rope with a scared expression, but still, he goes in to gift even The Destroyer because Christmas is an hour of joy for everyone. I hope you like the concept. Have a Cataclysmic Christmas! ;)”
Markus Frank – Stuttgart, Germany
“Christmas card based on the StarCraft Universe.”
Mike Groves – Athens, GA, USA
“Rudolph with your nose so bright… won't you guide my siege tank tonight?”
Ross Tran – San Jose, CA, USA
“I wanted to celebrate the new expansion by mixing Deathwing with the previous bosses. Deathwing plays Santa Claus with the hat and senses that Illidan, Arthas, and Kael are Naughty and blows fire at them. Arthas basically got his ass burned, Kael is badass and does magic to escape and Illidan flies away angrily. The ‘Naughty’ text is optional, I was going for a stylized animation proportion but a realistic approach to this piece.”
Daria Potresova – Moscow, Russia
“This is a scene, where two of the most vicious enemies and rivals are decorating a Christmas tree that they’d made. This holiday is the time to bury the hatchet. :)”
Check out the contest winner's page to view honorable mentions as well.