Cataclysm: Mounts, Pets, and More

As a part of our ongoing series of articles featuring many of the collectibles in World of Warcraft, we've set our sights on Cataclysm. Dig into the many riches found in this expansion. There are a variety of ways to lay claim to these mounts, pets, and toys, whether it's from defeating a rare boss, collecting specific currencies, or proving your bravery on the Molten Front, you're sure to expand your stash of treasures.


There are several different currencies used in Cataclysm. Here are some of the primary types that you'll want to make sure you have at hand.

  • Gold
  • Tol Barad Commendation: Awarded for brave deeds performed on Tol Barad.
  • Timewarped Badge: Earned in Timewalking dungeons and used in exchange for goods from Timewalking vendors in capital cities.

From beasts that truly rock to fire feathered birds of prey, there is a wide variety of truly epic mounts to add to your stables.

Flametalon of Alysrazor
Flametalon of Alysrazor






Armored Razzashi Raptor

The purebred royal raptors of Zul’Gurub, these mounts have become a rare sight in Stranglethorn Vale. The Gurubashi have been known to fly into a rage at the sight of any non-troll riding one of their precious beasts.

Drop: Bloodlord Madokir



Brown Riding Camel

Fennimore Quigley is credited with milking the first camel and breaking the record for the “longest unintentional flight,” all the same afternoon.

Vendor: Blacksmith Abasi


Faction: Ramkahen -Exalted

100 Gold

Brown Riding Camel

Fennimore Quigley is credited with milking the first camel and breaking the record for the “longest unintentional flight,” all the same afternoon.

Vendor: Blacksmith Abasi


Faction: Ramkahen -Exalted

100 Gold

Blazing Drake

Blazing Drakes exhibit a boundless passion for life, and are considered by many to be among the most loyal mounts on Azeroth.

Drop: Elementium Fragment

Dragon Soul


Corrupted Fire Hawk

Millagazor was a fire hawk loyal to Ragnaros. At this time it is unknown how many of Millagazor’s eggs were corrupted.

Achievement: Glory of the Firelands Raider



Drake of the East Wind

In Deathwing’s mad quest to forge new dragons, he ignored amazing breeds ever before seen on Azeroth.

Achievement: Glory of the Cataclysm Raider



Drake of the North Wind

They sicken of the calm who know the storm.

Drop: Altairus

The Vortex Pinnacle


Drake of the South Wind

Gentle as a summer breeze, but that says little considering where it came from – Iresh

Drop: Al’Akir Throne of the Four Winds


Drake of the West Wind

Harnessing the elemental powers of the storm, these majestic beasts crackle like lightning and roar like thunder.

Vendor: Quartermaster Brazie

Tol Barad Peninsula

Faction: Baradin’s Wardens - Exalted

Experiment 12-B

Some believe Experiment 12-B is the result of a covert SI-7 initiative, others consider it the outcome of embryonic tinkering by goblin scientists. No matter the case this much is certain: given its streng, speed, and agility, Experiment 12-B was a success!

Drop: Lesser Cache of the Aspects

Dragon Soul


Flametalon of Alysrazor

As with their matriarch, Alysrazor, the fury and fervor of these elemental avians are unquenchable.

Drop: Alysrazor



Flameward Hippgryph

Flameward Hippogryphs revel in the defeat of Ragnaros, Lord of Fire.

Achievement: The Molten Front Offensive



Life-Binder’s Handmaiden

Alexstrasza, the former dragon Aspect of Life, is known to be a kind and patient mentor. Under her tutelage, only the most dedicated pupils acquire the title of “Life-Binder’s Handmaiden.”

Drop: Elementium Fragment

Dragon Soul


Phosphorescent Stone Drake

The Stonemother has shown little concern for the rebellious Aeonaxx, even allowing his spawn to be taken from her realm.

Drop: Aeonaxx



Pureblood Fire Hawk

Legends state that the Pureblood line may be traced back to the very creation of the Firelands.

Drop: Ragnaros



Sandstone Drake

Sandstone Drakes were studied in great detail long ago by the famed alchemist Walley sprysprocket. It has even been said that Walley developed potions to mimic the drakes’ physiology.

Profession: Archeology/Alchemy



Subdued Seahorse

“One has not truly lived until they have felt the tidal current rushing through their hair while atop a majestic seahorse.” said no one. Ever.

Drop: Poseidus



Swift Zulian Panther

The jungle trolls have long coveted panther fangs, using them for rituals or as ingredients in mojos.

Drop: High Priestess Kilnara



Tan Riding Camel

Fennimore Quigley is credited with milking the first camel and breaking the record for “longest unintentional flight.” all in the same afternoon.

Vendor: Blacksmith Abasi


Faction: Ramkahen – Exalted

100 Gold

Vashj’ir Seahorse Stubborn until broken, these underwater mounts provide the swiftest means of travel around the depths of Vash’jir.. Quest: The Abyssal Ride Kelp’thar Forest


Twilight Harbinger

Whatever dark magic once compelled the Twilight Harbinger is now broken…or is it?

Achievement: Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider



Vitreous Stone Drake

Those would be perfect in a pendant, and that would make a fantastic ring. Let me know if this thing sheds or molts or whatever.- Kalindra

Drop: Slabhide

The Stonecore


Volcanic Stone Drake

Fire can transform stone in exciting ways, but never let the Stonemother know I said that. – Earthcaller Yevaa

Achievement: Glory of the Cataclysm Hero



If you like pets that rock, then you may find just the right battle pets in Deepholm or Uldum to add to your teams.

From left to right- Pebble, Blue Mini Jouster, And Clockwork Gnome
Pebble, Blue Mini Jouster, And Clockwork Gnome






Amethyst Shale Hatchling

“Adult amethyst shale spiders prefer to create their nests against the outer walls of Deepholm.”

Pet Battle

Deepholm, Desolace



“Some say it’s the pup of Riplimb and Rageface, others say, ‘I don’t want to think about that.’”

Drop: Shannox



Blue Mini Jouster

"Known to flourish in the rainy season, this insect is drawn to “Unlike its gold counterpart, the blue mini jouster takes a leisurely pace when jabbing its opponent’s eyeballs.”

Quest: Egg Wave

Mount Hyjal


Bound Stream

“Amongst the rudest of the Twilight’s Hammer’s corrupting activities was binding the elements of small streams and brooks.”

Drop: Elementium Monstrosity

The Bastion of Twilight


Cinderweb Recluse

"The glow emanating from these is both calming and eerie at the same time when in total darkness."

Drop: Beth’tilac



Clockwork Gnome

“Thought to be an original construct of the titans, the Clockwork gnome has some gears smaller than the eye can see.”

Profession: Archeology



Crawling Claw

“This appears to be nothing more than the paw of a small primate. A closer inspection shows that the hand has been dried by centuries of exposure to the sands of Uldum.”

Profession: Archeology



Crimson Geode

“Therazane wore these spunky crimson elementals as jewelry before the azure craze swept through Deepholm.”

Pet Battle 



Crimson Shale Hatchling

“Through experimentation, the mages of Dalaran have discovered that the powered remains of a crimson shale spider will greatly increase the conflagration of their fire spells.”

Pet Battle



Crystal Beetle

“A cousin to the Twilight Beetle, this insect has learned to feed on crystals which resonate with ancient energies.”

Pet Battle



De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion

“The gold standard for sturdy gnomish design, this mechanical critter is the perfect companion for the lonely engineer on the go.”

Profession: Engineering



Deepholm Cockroach

“The cockroaches of Deepholm can burrow into stone itself to make their nests.”

Pet Battle



Discarded Experiment

“Maloriak was nothing if not resourceful, not letting even small scraps of flesh go to waste.”

Drop: Maloriak

Blackwing Descent



“If you feel a slight gust that made you shiver, that was probably Drafty.”

Drop: Nezir

Throne of the Four Winds


Elementium Geode

“Often confused by miners as a rare gem, the geode initially makes its presence known by emitting melodic reverberations.”

Drop: Elementium Vein, Rich Elementium Vein (Mining)

Deepholm, Twilight Highlands, Uldum


Emerald Shale Hatchling

“Adventurers have reported rare sightings of a monstrous sized emerald shale spider, which the denizens of Deepholm have come to call the Jadefang.”

Pet Battle



Enchanted Lantern

“Reduces the likelihood of being eaten by monsters when you enter pitch-black places.”

Profession: Cataclysm Enchanting 



Faceless Mindlasher

“It has no eyes, but it always seems to be staring at you.”

Drop: Cho’gall

The Bastion of Twilight


Faceless Minion

"Hedgehogs are not all fond of croquet nor flamingos."

Pet Battles

Dread Wastes


Fossilized Hatchling

“You stare at her, and she just stares right back. So clever; sometimes it seems as if she’s figuring out how to open doors.”

Profession: Archeology



Fox Kit

“The fighting in Tol Barad has made it difficult to find these kits, and numerous would-be owners have decimated the fox population there as a result.”

Drop: Baradin Fox

Tol Barad Peninsula


Fungal Moth

“Prefers to dwell in dark caves and feed on Heartblossom nectar.”

Pet Battle



Gold Mini Jouster

“This critter is infamous for its ability to unleash a fast and furious eyeball jabbing.”

Quest: Egg Wave

Mount Hyjal


Highlands Mouse

"The mice of the highlands, perhaps twisted by the Twilight’s Hammer are aggressive and fight for dominance between each other.”

Pet Battle

Twilight Highlands


Highlands Skunk

“This ferocious skunk can spray and attacker from thirty yards away, temporarily blinding them. Handle with caution!”

Pet Battle

Twilight Highlands


Highlands Turkey

“Capable of flying, unlike domesticated types.”

Pet Battle

Twilight Highlands


Horned Lizard

"Not only is it quick, it’s loud too!”

Pet Battle



Hyjal Bear Cub

“The cubs of Hyjal suffered much during the Cataclysm. On the bright side, the devastation also led to their newfound love of heights and daredevil stunts.”

Vendor: Varlan Highbough

Molten Front

1,500 Gold

Infernal Pyreclaw

“During his time in the Firelands Fandral would often grow bored and work shaping magic on the local flora and fauna.”

Drop: Majordomo Staghelm



Leopard Scorpid

“Loves to rest inside footwear of unsuspecting travelers during the night.”

Pet Battle




“When the locusts swarm, you can hear nothing but the sound of their wings.”

Pet Battle



Mac Frog

“Flamboyantly colored and more exuberant than most frogs.”

Pet Battle



Magic Lamp

“Higitus figi-hockity pocki-abracadab-prestidig—oh, pinfeathers!”

Profession: Enchanting



Oasis Moth

“Prefers to dwell along desert streams, wells or watering holes and feed on Whiptail nectar.”

Pet Battle




“An adventurous little elemental, Pebble escaped hungry gyreworms in the Crumbling Depths, braved the emptiness of the Twisting Nether, and ultimately found himself rescued from a mailbox.”

Achievement: Rock Lover



Personal World Destroyer

“Goblin engineering at its finest, Blueprints based on the massive fel reaver in Hellfire Penninsula.”

Profession: Engineering



Rustberg Gull

“This bird is a salty veteran of the endless naval battles surrounding Tol Barad—a veteran whose grown plump from picking through the leftovers, that is.”

Vendor: Quartermaster Brazie

Tol Barad Peninsula

Faction: Baradin’s Warden’s-Honored/ Hellscream’s Reach- Honored

50 Tol Barad Commendations

Tiny Shale Spider

“The elemental shale spider is no true arachnid, but it has durability and ferocity that make it feared even in Deepholm.”

Drop: Jadefang




“Carrion feeders often found in large numbers within ancient unearthed tombs; they can survive long periods of time without feeding.”

Pet Battle



Tol’vir Scarab

“Carrion feeders often found in large numbers within ancient unearthed tombs; they can survive long periods of time without feeding.”

Pet Battle



There are plenty of hot looks to be had to add to your transmog collection along with toys worthy of an addition to your toy box.

Mushroom Chair and Shaman Spirit Walker's Regalia from Dragon Soul
Mushroom Chair and Shaman Spiritwalker's Regalia from Dragon Soul






Fandral’s Seed Pouch

Harness the essence of Fire granted to the Druids of the Flame.

“The seeds inside have been charred black by the blazing heat of the Firelands.”

Drop: Majordomo Staghelm



Gurboggle’s Gleaming Bauble

Examine this Fin-omenon of nature retrieved from the depths of Vashj’ir.

Vendor: Kiarke

Orgrimmar/Stormwind City

1,500 Timewarped Badges

Leyara’s Locket

Release the memories contained within the locket.

Quest: The Rest is History



Loaded Gnomish Dice

Rolls a pair of dice. You know you’ll get lucky!

Drop: World Drop (Rogue Pickpocket)



Mushroom Chair

Set up a mushroom chair.

Vendor: Ayla Shadowstorm

Molten Front

500 Gold

Mylune’s Call

Mylune’s Call.

Vendor: Varlan Highbough

Molten Front

3,500 Gold

Tol Barad Searchlight

Set down your Tol Barad Searchlight.

Vendor: Pogg

(Horde Only)

Tol Barad Peninsula

Faction: Hellscream’s Reach - Honored

250 Gold

Tol Barad Searchlight

Set down your Tol Barad SearchlightOrdos.

Vendor: Quartermaster Brazie

(Alliance Only)

Tol Barad Peninsula

Faction: Baradin’s Wardens – Honored

250 Gold

Tosselwrench’s Mega-Accurate Simulation Viewfinder

Witness the wrath of Deathwing firsthand.

Vendor: Kiatke

Ogrimmar/Stormwind City

3,000 Timewalking Badges

Transmog Sets

If you can take the heat in the Firelands or face the destruction with the Dragon Soul, then you can make these cataclysmically dashing looks a part of your ensemble. Here are just some of the sets that you can find.

Dragon Soul


The Bastion of Twilight

These are just some of the many treasures to glean from the tumultuous aftermath of the Cataclysm. It's the perfect time to dive into all that it has to offer.