blog results for Vashj'ir
3 Results
Poll: Ride Into the Danger Zone

From the twisted hillsides of the Twilight Highlands to the sunken depths of Vashj'ir, the new level 80-85 zones in Cataclysm offer a wide variety of content for seasoned veterans to explore. There are harrowing escapes, daring rescues, questionable laboratory experiments, and, of course, droves of creatures to kill without mercy. For those of you who have had the opportunity to play through the new high-level zones, which one was your favorite, and why? Did you enjoy a particular quest or storyline? Was it the landscapes that drew you in? Let us know!

14 years ago
Poll: Dah Nuh, Dah Nuh...

Off the coast of Dun Morogh, beneath the sunlit reaches of the Great Sea, swims the arbiter of the deep. Known to many as simply "the whale shark," this legendary leviathan patrols the sunken ruins of Vashj’ir, casually devouring any inattentive or overzealous adventurers who cross its path. Tales pour in daily from those who have fallen victim to -- or somehow managed to survive -- the whale shark’s wrath. But, how about you? Have you encountered this abyssal beast yet, and if so, how did you fare?

14 years ago
Poll: Two Paths Diverged in a Shattered World

Deathwing's emergence will change much more than the face of Azeroth; it will also introduce new dangers and adventures for the brave heroes who recently triumphed over the Lich King in Northrend. For those of you who have returned victorious from the cold north and are now prepared to battle against Deathwing and the sinister Twilight's Hammer cult under Cho'gall, a difficult choice awaits. Where will you go first in your quest to spare Azeroth from annihilation?

14 years ago