blog results for Cataclysm
42 Results
Cataclysm Shatters Sales Record

Thanks to all of the new, existing, and returning World of Warcraft players out there, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm sold more than 3.3 million copies as of its first 24 hours of release, making it the fastest-selling PC game of all time. That’s a lot of flamebait for Deathwing. Check out the press release for all the details, and thanks again from all of us at Blizzard!

14 years ago
The Story So Far... Part II

As the world's races struggled for survival in the wake of the Cataclysm, details came to light concerning what—or who—had caused the disaster. Prior to the upheaval, the Fury of Earth had cryptically told Thrall that Azeroth's instability had been caused by something good that had turned unnatural. Something that wished to inflict pain and suffering on the entire world.

14 years ago
Cataclysm Midnight Launch Event Tonight - Join Us!

Join us at 9 p.m. PST on Monday, December 6 at the Fountain Valley Fry’s Electronics in Southern California for the Cataclysm midnight launch.Help us celebrate the dawn of a new age with the powerful music of The Artists Formerly Known as Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain, an epic /dance competition, autographs from the development team, and more.

14 years ago
Brady Games Cataclysm Strategy Guide

Whether you're a first-time player or a Molten Core veteran, Brady Games' official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm strategy guide has something for everyone. The guide weighs in at nearly 500 pages and dives into the areas you want to know about most. It covers the playable worgen and goblin races and their starting zones, as well as detailed information on Azeroth's shattered landscape and all the new quests. You'll also find a thorough guide to the new level 80-85 content. The Brady Games World of Warcraft: Cataclysm strategy guide will be available on December 7 at retailers that sell World of Warcraft strategy guides and at the Blizzard Store.

14 years ago
BlizzCast 15 Now Available

BlizzCast 15 is now live! In this episode, we bring you in-depth coverage of the upcoming Cataclysm expansion and discuss everything from world creation to class changes to sound design.

14 years ago
The Story So Far...

The Lich King's reign of terror was over. As if to affirm that a bright future would soon dawn on Azeroth, other joyful events occurred across the world. Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage was at last freed from his imprisonment by the shadowy Emerald Nightmare through the efforts of his love, High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind, and her allies. Elsewhere, after years in exile, the highly intelligent gnomes and the fearless Darkspear trolls made gains toward reclaiming their respective homes in Gnomeregan and on the Echo Isles.

14 years ago
Patch 4.0.3a: The Shattering of Azeroth Now Live

In the frigid wastes of Northrend, the final battle against the merciless Lich King ended in victory for Azeroth's defenders. Upon returning home, veterans of the unforgiving conflict against the Scourge were showered with praise for their valiant sacrifices, while the honorable dead were mourned. Yet as hope flared anew in the wake of the Lich King's fall, Azeroth's native elemental spirits grew confused and erratic, setting off a series of deadly natural disasters. Horde and Alliance leaders scrambled for clues about the troubling state of the world, but nothing could have prepared them for what was to come.

14 years ago
Cataclysm YouTube Video and Print Ad Contests Ending Soon

We just wanted to remind you that our Cataclysm YouTube Video Contest and Print Ad Contest will be ending in less than a week, on November 23. If you'd like to put your talents to the test -- and possibly win some great prizes in the process -- head over to the individual contest pages for more information on what we’re looking for, the full rules, prizes, and how to get your entry in.

14 years ago
Best Buy Live Developer Chat About to Begin

The developer chat with World of Warcraft Production Director J. Allen Brack and Game Director Tom Chilton is about to begin! Head on over to the Best Buy forums if you'd like to participate. That link will redirect attendees to the chat shortly before it begins. Participation is limited to the first 500 attendees, but if you aren't able to make it into the chat you can still watch Best Buy's Ustream live mirror here.

14 years ago
Cataclysm Preview: Tol Barad

An island off the coast of the Eastern Kingdoms, Tol Barad is a historic land now sought-after by the leaders of the Horde and the Alliance. Its strategic, isolated location makes it an ideal stronghold from which to conduct military strikes. In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, a battle will be waged to seize control of this prized territory. Should you triumph, unique rewards await you. Read more about this all-new world PvP and questing zone here.

14 years ago
The Invasion Has Begun

Panic has seized Orgrimmar, Stormwind City, Thunder Bluff, and Ironforge. In each of these great capitals, guards have ordered citizens to evacuate in preparation for what they believe will be an elemental invasion of catastrophic proportions.

14 years ago
Wrath of the Elements

Little progress has been made toward mending Azeroth's dire condition. Thrall has nonetheless continued forging ahead in search of answers. Most recently, he journeyed to his ancestors' lands in Nagrand on the shattered world of Outland. At the fabled Throne of the Elements, he has met with other wise shaman, including the venerable dwarf Gavan Grayfeather, hoping to glean even the smallest shred of insight that could help him save Azeroth from ruin.

14 years ago
Cataclysm Paid Faction and Race Changes

With two new playable races just on the horizon, many players have been asking when they'll be able to convert their existing characters into goblins or worgen.

14 years ago
Cataclysm Beta: Battlegrounds Developer Focus Test

Attention, Cataclysm beta testers! Want your shot at camping developers at the graveyard? This Thursday, November 11 beginning at 4 p.m. PST, we'll be holding a focus test for Rated Battlegrounds on the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm beta realms. If you want to participate, all you have to do is form a raid group with nine other players and queue for Rated Battlegrounds. We'll be conducting this test in a 10- vs.-10-player setting using Warsong Gulch, Twin Peaks, and Battle for Gilneas as the locations, so be prepared for some sweet, sweet ownage.

14 years ago
Explorers' League Journal: The First Entry

Well met, travelers! Welcome to the first entry in our ongoing Explorers' League Journal. Together, we'll embark on frequent journeys through the fascinating World of Warcraft community and investigate the latest developments and topics of interest being discussed throughout the lands. It wouldn't be a proper start without drawing your attention to the exciting live preview and impending official launch of the brand-new World of Warcraft community site! Now, let's dig deeper and explore the riches.

14 years ago
Cataclysm Digital Pre-Sale Now Available on

The Cataclysm looms near, and you can be ready to play the minute the servers go live by pre-purchasing the expansion digitally on now. Simply complete the digital pre-sale process on, and your account will be flagged for automatic access to Cataclysm when it launches at 12:01 a.m. PST on December 7.

14 years ago
The Impending Cataclysm

With patch 4.0.1 now live and the official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm cinematic trailer released at, it's time for you to find out just what's in store in the weeks leading up to Cataclysm's launch on December 7.

14 years ago