blog results for Poll
56 Results
Poll: Which Demon Hunter?

When you create your very first demon hunter, which will you choose?

9 years ago
Poll: Cataclysmic and Challenging

The first Cataclysm Timewalking Bonus Event concludes in a few hours. Now that you've revisited the days of Deathwing's reign, which test was the most formidable?

9 years ago
Poll – Your Favorite Artifacts

Which of the newer weapons spark your interest the most?

9 years ago
Poll: The WoW Arena World Championship Finals at BlizzCon

Who do you think will win the WoW Arena World Championship?

9 years ago
Poll: Who’s your Superstar?

Get a new battle pet, and then match them up with one or two tried and true companions.

9 years ago
Hallow’s End Goodies – A Poll

There’s plenty of time to get most everything. But what if there weren’t?

9 years ago
Dark and Damp – A Poll

There are some places in Azeroth where the October moon doesn’t shine.

9 years ago
Honoring Lost Heroes: A Poll

Who else would you honor during this Harvest Festival?

9 years ago
Pirates’ Landing: A Poll

Imagine for a moment what it would be like if you were a pirate sailing the seas of Azeroth.

9 years ago
All of the Arenas – A Poll

Here’s a challenging consideration.

9 years ago
Great Weapons of Warcraft – A Poll

Which memorable killing tools have best captured your imagination?

9 years ago
Poll: The Black Market Auction House

What are you looking for in the Black Market Auction House?

9 years ago
Poll: Death Knights and Days

In this week’s New Player Tips, we asked veteran World of Warcraft players to advise newcomers on playing their first death knight. You weighed in on race selection, leveling specs, and your favorite ways to play a death knight at level 85. Now we have a question for you.

13 years ago
Poll: Photographic Memories

In this week’s New Player Tips, veteran World of Warcraft players talked about the best places in-game to set up your camera, point, and click. Now it’s time to put our photo albums on the scales and weigh them carefully. This week’s poll asks: How often do you use the screenshot function?

13 years ago
Poll: Your Favorite Quest Lines

In our recent New Player Tips, we asked veteran players to weigh in on the subject of must-see questlines. We discussed the quests and questing that experienced players hope new players get to experience too. This week’s poll asks: “What’s your favorite kind of quest line?”

13 years ago
Poll: PvP is Hard Work

In this week's New Player Tips, you advised those just getting started in World of Warcraft about their options for professions that support PvP. Now we want to know how you profess to prepare for hostilities with other players. This week's poll asks: How important are professions when you PvP?

14 years ago
Poll: Opinion My Ride

In this week's New Player Tips, you advised those just getting started in World of Warcraft about their options when it comes to increasing travel speed. Now it’s time to look in the mirror. How fast do you get around in Azeroth and Outland? What's travel speed worth to you?

14 years ago
Poll: Leveling Up Your Choices

In this week’s New Player Tips, you advised those just getting started in World of Warcraft about the various ways they might choose to spend time leveling.

14 years ago
Poll: Reel Serious Options

Going fishing in Azeroth and Outland means different things to different players. Some consider it a source of easy profits. Some only fish in order to cook for their raid team. Others role-play the profession, from the contents of their tackle-box to the location of their favorite fishing hole. This week’s poll asks, “Why do you fish in World of Warcraft?”

14 years ago
Poll: /cast [target=WeeklyPoll] Vote

Some players use macros and some players don't. It all depends on how you like to play the game. You might be the type of player who uses macros daily in raids and Arenas, combining an entire arsenal of abilities into just a handful of button presses. Maybe macros aren't your thing and you prefer to activate each of your character's actions manually. Perhaps you land somewhere in between, using a macro here and there, but never feeling the need to go overboard. This week's poll asks, "How often do you use macros?"

14 years ago
Poll: It's in the Hardware

Players are always looking for the best hardware setup to help them be competitive and effective when playing games. Some choose gaming peripherals with scores of customizable buttons to keep every finger busy, while others seek out more streamlined products for precision. One thing's for sure: there's a plethora of products on the market today to accommodate the myriad demands of computer gamers. This week's poll asks, "Which piece of hardware is the most important to you when playing World of Warcraft?"

14 years ago
Poll: Yes, We're All Individuals

Guilds are comprised of people who share common interests or goals. Beyond that definition, guilds come in countless different flavors, each taking on its own personality, whether it's quiet and reserved, boisterous and bustling, or competitive and cutthroat. Guilds are as varied and unique as their members. This week’s poll asks, "What kind of guild do you belong to?"

14 years ago
Poll: If It's Red, It's Dead

In previous polls and forum discussions, we've focused a lot on PvE content: which new quest zone was your favorite, how you celebrate certain holiday events, and even if you've been slaughtered by local wildlife. But PvE is only one (delicious) slice of the World of Warcraft pie. For many of you, when someone asks, "What is best in life?" there's only one answer:  "To crush the newbs, see them driven before me, and read their lamentations on the forums" -- and we salute you. There are a variety of ways to defeat your foes, though, and we want know which of those you enjoy the most. Do you like to fight the good fight in Battlegrounds, go toe-to-toe with opponents in Arenas, or are you more inclined to see the world, meet new players, and engage in a little Player-vs.-Player tête-à-tête?

14 years ago
Poll: Wherever You Go, There You Are

In the three months that the new World of Warcraft community site has been live, we've received a lot of feedback from you about its features and the content we've been highlighting.  That feedback has been great, but now we want to know a little bit more about how you use the site. Specifically, what do you normally check out first when you arrive? After you answer that question, we’d also like to hear about how you get to our site to begin with. Do you type in the URL, use a bookmark, or rely on a search engine? Or are you typically guided here by your favorite news site, Twitter, or  Facebook?

14 years ago
Poll: Ride Into the Danger Zone

From the twisted hillsides of the Twilight Highlands to the sunken depths of Vashj'ir, the new level 80-85 zones in Cataclysm offer a wide variety of content for seasoned veterans to explore. There are harrowing escapes, daring rescues, questionable laboratory experiments, and, of course, droves of creatures to kill without mercy. For those of you who have had the opportunity to play through the new high-level zones, which one was your favorite, and why? Did you enjoy a particular quest or storyline? Was it the landscapes that drew you in? Let us know!

14 years ago