blog results for Sayge
3 Results
The Truth About You: A Poll

Sayge has a way of making you feel like you’re the only person in the world.

9 years ago
Your Fortune Awaits: 100% Unlock

The storm clouds gather. The barkers fall silent and the wagon train begins an eerie procession out of town. Called ever onward to parts unknown, the Darkmoon Faire has come to a close. As Sayge and his strange companions fade into the mist, the revelations he has shared will soon be little more than a troubling memory... for now.

14 years ago
Your Fortune Awaits

The ground trembles beneath your feet and sinister cultists speak of impending doom. Loved ones have gone missing and the appearance of angered elementals only adds to the confusion. What does the future hold for Azeroth's heroes? What fortune awaits within Sayge’s cards? Visit the Darkmoon Faire and shed light on these mysteries.

14 years ago